Kategoriájában a legjobb vírusirtó, VPN, Tune-Up, és nyomkövetés elleni eszközök egy nagy csomagban.
Az előfizetés: 10 eszköz + 1 év (Globálisan felhasználható)
Márka: AVG
Our best-in-class antivirus, VPN, tune-up, and anti-track tools all in one ultimate package.
Here’s how to install AVG Ultimate Multi-Device (10-Users 1-Years). A few easy steps is all it takes.
1. Download the product by copying the following link in your browser: avg.com/activate
2. Under “Choose your product”, select “Ultimate (Multi-Device)“.
3. Under “Choose your platform”, select “Choose as per your preference“.
4. Click Download and follow the on-screen instructions on ‘See Installation Instructions’ to complete the installation process.
5. Top right click on My Avg, then select My Subscription.
6. Click on Enter a valid activation code
7. Enter your activation code, then click on Enter.
8. Your subscription is now active.
The new AVG Ultimate, must be activated directly on the App in the PC (they must not be added to the AVG account)
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